Hallo Ihr Lieben!
Dank das ihr mich heute besuchen kommt. Ich freue mich sehr darüber.
Heute habe ich für euch ein Notizbuch welches ich nach dem Mood Board für September von MajaDesign gestaltet habe. Die verwendeten Papiere sind alle aus der "Denim & Friends Collection" von MajaDesign. Der Stempel ist von Magnolia aus der "Yay, It's Your Birthday Collection" und heißt "Tilda with Umbrella Daisy". Der Text ist aus dem Stempelset "Just A Note" von Stempelglede.
Hello my dears!
Thank you for visiting me today. I'm very happy about that. Today I have for you a notebook that I have designed for the September Mood Board of MajaDesign. The papers used are all from the "Denim & Freiends Collection" by MajaDesign. The stamp is by Magnolia from the "Yay, It's Your Birthday Collection" and is called "Tilda with Umbrella Daisy". The text is from the stamp set "Just A Note" from Stempelglede.
Hello my dears!
Thank you for visiting me today. I'm very happy about that. Today I have for you a notebook that I have designed for the September Mood Board of MajaDesign. The papers used are all from the "Denim & Freiends Collection" by MajaDesign. The stamp is by Magnolia from the "Yay, It's Your Birthday Collection" and is called "Tilda with Umbrella Daisy". The text is from the stamp set "Just A Note" from Stempelglede.
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Maja Design Mood Board September
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Magnolia products I use:
Tilda with Umbrella Daisy - Yay, Its Your Birthday Collection
New York Stamp Kit - With Love Collection
DooHickey Box Vol. 13 - Sweet Pea
Doohickey Box Vol. 9 - Fairytale
DooHickey Die Cute Corners - With Love Collection

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