Hallo Ihr Lieben!
hoffe ihr habt einen schönen Wochenstart. Am Wochenende habe ich mal
wieder ein bisschen mit verschiedenen Sachen und meinen Lindy's Stamp
Gang Starbrust Shimmer Sprays gematscht und heraus gekommen ist diese
gepimte Mixed Media Dose mit der süßen "A Fish Kisses To Tilda" aus der
You Are Invited Collection von Magnolia.
Hello my dears!
I hope you have a nice start of the week. At the weekend, I playes a bit with different mediums and my Lindy's Stamp Gang Starbrust Shimmer Sprays and came out with this pimped mixed media tin with the sweet "A Fish Kisses To Tilda" from the You Are Invited Collection by Magnolia.
I hope you have a nice start of the week. At the weekend, I playes a bit with different mediums and my Lindy's Stamp Gang Starbrust Shimmer Sprays and came out with this pimped mixed media tin with the sweet "A Fish Kisses To Tilda" from the You Are Invited Collection by Magnolia.
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