Hallo Ihr Lieben!
habe ich mal wieder eine Auftragsarbeit zu zeigen. Gewünscht war eine
Karte zum 30. Geburtstag und eine Tilda auf dem Fahrrad. Da kam mir
sofort die tolle "On the Road Tilda" aus der Sea Breeze Collection von Magnolia in den Sinn. Da bei mir auch das neue Designpapier aus der "Celebration Collection" von Maja Design
eingezogen ist, war sofort klar welches Papier zum Einsatz kommt. Und
ganz ehrlich: Die Farben und die Muster der Papiere ist der Knaller! Ich
liebe es!
Hello my dears!
Today I have to show a commissioned card. Wanted was a card for a 30th Birthday and a Tilda on the bike. Immediately the cute "On the Road Tilda" from the Sea Breeze Collection" by Magnolia came to my mind. And also the new design paper from the "Celebration Collection" from Maja Design moved in, it was immediately clear which paper was used. And to be honest: The colors and the patterns of the papers is the blast! I love it!
Today I have to show a commissioned card. Wanted was a card for a 30th Birthday and a Tilda on the bike. Immediately the cute "On the Road Tilda" from the Sea Breeze Collection" by Magnolia came to my mind. And also the new design paper from the "Celebration Collection" from Maja Design moved in, it was immediately clear which paper was used. And to be honest: The colors and the patterns of the papers is the blast! I love it!
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