Magnolia Design Team Blog Hop - Sumbeam Collection

Friday, March 16, 2018

♥ IMPORTEND! Click on the titel to leave a comment ♥

Hi everyone, and a big welcome to the 
 Magnolia Blog Hop with the lovely Sun Beam Collection!
The Blog Hop is sponsored by Magnolia Rubberstamps Sweden!  

You will be able to win a lovely surprise in every blog you leave a comment in.

If you came here from Becky you are on the right track.  

If you've just happen upon my blog, you can CLICK HERE to start from the beginning at Erikas blog.  

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 For my card I've used the super cute Tilda with Foxy and the Sunshine Kit from the Sunbeam Collection. All other Magnolia products I've used you'll find when you scroll down. Tilda is colored with Distress Reinker and Marker. I alaso used some of the new diesfrom the new DooHickey Box Vol.18 - Le Fleur.

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Magnolia products used:
Tilda with Foxy - Sunbeam Collection
Sunshine Kit - Sunbeam Collection
DooHickey Box Vol. 18 - Le Fleur
DooHickey Die Tilda Tag
DooHickey Die Fence
DooHickey Die Tilda Ticket

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Now it is time to hop over to my DT friend Sabrina!  
The Blog Hop will end this Sunday, March the 18th.

And remeber you will have a chance to win a secret prize from Magnolia in all the blogs when you leave a comment in the blogs!!

So keep on hopping and leave some LOVE!

 Thank you so much for stopping by and good luck!

And if you want to hop a bit here and there, here is the whole blog hop list:

Maria Irene
Camilla H.
Camilla S.


♥ ♥ ♥

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38 comments on "Magnolia Design Team Blog Hop - Sumbeam Collection"
  1. Gorgeous such perfect colours for the cutest fox ever love it xxx

  2. Your work is always outstanding and this card demonstrates the Tilda beauty.xx 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  3. Hi Diana! Thanks for sharing this gorgeous card! This Tilda hugging her fox is so lovely!

  4. Gorgeous creation love all of the detail!!!

  5. Making the happy dance löpning at your drunkning card!

  6. Hi my dear Diana, wow wow wow!! Your Card is absolutely stunning as usual!!!
    You know I much I love your work, right? :)
    Hugs, Irene

  7. wow wow wow, I'm jumping for blog hop, your card is really beautiful!!! bye bye Now I must jump to Sabrina!!

  8. Wow!!! another beautiful card Dee Dee. Your work always inspires and motivates me when I see it. I just love your colouring and composition.
    Hugs Suzi x

  9. Like always , so amazing coloring . Love your work 💕💕💕 greetings Jenny

  10. Amazing Dee Dee ♥ I love everything about this card and your coloring.
    Have a great weekend
    Hugs from Elin

  11. You are a neverending source of inspiration my sweet Diana!
    I fell in love with this card as well as every other thing you make..
    Thanks for being so awesome!
    Hugs, Tina

  12. Thanks for the inspiration - you make wonderful creations :)

  13. Beautiful soft Colours! Great Colouring! You have a special style!
    Stunner Card!

  14. Beautiful card!😍 I love your coloring!

  15. This is just gorgeous! Such a beautiful card.

  16. Such beautiful card. Your colouring is superb!

  17. Stunningly beautiful as always! Hugs Jane x x x

  18. Its a beautiful card you have made. Thank you for being a part of the best blog hop <3

  19. Oh this is beautiful, Hugs Katharina

  20. Wow Diana, deine Karte ist wieder ein Traum! Farben, Motiv...alles passt Perfekt zusammen!

    Liebe Grüße Steffi

  21. Dear Diana! Your card is totally gorgeous <3 This is such a cute stamp, isn't it ;)
    Big hugs, Camilla

  22. Such a beautifully soft and feminine card - Love it!

  23. Finally I can place my words and love .. LOL!!

    Hello my dear Diana!
    I always adore your creation :1 and today I saw another gorgeous art work coming from you.. :a

  24. It is so beautiful as it is in the flower field.
    I am happy to see.Diana Adamski

  25. Your card is so very pretty. Love your coloring on this sweetest Tilda with Foxy and all of the beautiful DooHickey dies.

  26. This is so beautiful! Love the pastel colours and all the details.

  27. Your card is stunning my friend! <3

  28. This is stunning Diana, and it is lovely to be on the same team as you again.
    Becky xx

  29. wonderful stamps! thank you for the chance to win!


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